How to configure Search Settings?

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WP Delicious includes an advanced search page that allows your readers to quickly find the recipes they are looking for. It uses ajax which means they can quickly filter the recipes based on the options they have selected.

To configure your recipe search page, navigate to WP Delicious > Settings >Recipe Settings > Search Settings.

Recipe Search Page: Here you have to select Recipe Search Page from the drop down list.

If you haven’t create a search page, you can create it and then select here.

Show Search Bar: When this option is enabled, it will show the search field allowing your users to quickly type and search for the recipes they are looking for.

Search Logic: Select your preferred option for the search logic. You can choose either AND or OR. Example, AND will display recipes that are both categorized as “Dinner” and contain “Chicken” as an ingredient. Or will display recipes that are either categorized as “Dinner” or contain “Chicken” as an ingredient. Recipes that meet either one of these criteria will be shown, including those that fit both.

Search Filter Fields: Here you can select the default Filters to show on the Recipe Search page.

Default Filter Labels: You can also change the default labels of your search filters.