Refund Policy

We make our products with extreme care and launch them only after thorough-repeated testing, so we strongly believe that our products will work without any issues. If you find any issue, we are available to help you solve the issue resulting from any number of reasons.

In the case, the product(s) you purchased didn’t work properly as advertised, and we couldn’t resolve the issue, we will offer a full refund within 14 days of the purchase. No questions asked.

Since the product has its own demo, documentation, features comparison table, etc, we strongly recommend you explore those resources to evaluate the product feasibility, support terms, updates, licensing scopes, etc.

If you have any questions about our products, please contact our support team for pre-sales questions so that you feel confident before purchasing our product(s). 

No refund will be granted for Recipe Keywords purchase as you get immediate access to the product.

Before you ask for a refund

If you have purchased our product(s) and you are experiencing a technical issue with it we recommend that you contact our support team and seek assistance. Often, they’ll be able to help troubleshoot your problem. A team member will follow up with you, typically within 24 hours. We answer each and every email sent to us, so if you don’t hear from us, please check your email’s spam/junk folder or try submitting your message again via our support ticket.

A few conditions for refund

  • Once you place the refund request, we might ask you for the opportunity to resolve the issue for you. If you are not satisfied or not willing to receive assistance, we will process your refund as soon as we’re able to.
  • Refunds may only be issued within 14 days of the purchase date. After 14 days, no refunds can be processed.
  • By requesting and receiving a refund, you agree to give up the ownership of your license and agree to cease using the product immediately.

License Renewal Refund

If you have purchased our yearly plan, the renewal takes place automatically. Before the renewal, we sent 3 emails prior to your renewal date, so you can use this opportunity to cancel your subscription before the renewal payment is automatically processed.

In case you missed it, we will happily offer a refund for the automatic renewal within 7 days of the renewal date.

How to request refund

To request a refund, please reach out to our support team from here. Please use the purchase email address while submitting the request.

Last Updated: 12th May 2023