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Import Recipes From Tasty Recipe

If you have published your recipes using the Tasty Recipes plugin, you can easily import all your recipes to the Delicious Recipes plugin without any data loss by using the Delicious Recipes Import functionality.

Here’s the step by step guide to import your recipes.

  • Before proceeding with the import, please ensure that you have the Delicious Recipes plugin installed and activated on your website.
  • Go to Dashboard > WP Delicious Recipes > Import Recipes. Here, you will find the option to select the Tasty Recipes plugin as the source for your recipes.
  • We recommend taking a full backup of your website before proceeding with the import process. Alternatively, you can set up a staging site and import the recipes there first to ensure everything works smoothly.
  • Once you click on Proceed to Next Step, you will be prompted to select the recipes you want to import.
  • In the Recipe To Import tab, you will see a list of all your existing recipes. You can manually select the specific recipes you wish to import, or you can use the select all option to import all of your recipes at once.
  • If you wish to remove the recipes from the Tasty Recipes plugin once they are successfully imported into Delicious Recipes, you can enable the option to delete them after import.
  • In the Fields Mapping section, map your existing taxonomies (such as categories, tags, and other custom taxonomies) to ensure they align correctly in the Delicious Recipes plugin.
  • After selecting the recipes and mapping the fields, click on the Proceed to Next button to continue.
  • Depending on the number of recipes being imported, the process may take a few minutes. Please be patient while the import is in progress.
  • After the import is complete, you will see a success message at the top of the screen, indicating that the import was successful.

Once your recipes have been successfully imported to Delicious Recipes, you can safely deactivate the Tasty Recipes plugin. All the imported recipes are saved as drafts. You can make the necessary changes and publish them.

If you want to display your posts on the homepage, you can refer to this guide.

To ensure uniformity in the image sizes, it is recommended to regenerate your thumbnails after the import. You can use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for this task.