Recipe Accordion Two

You can add the Recipe Accordion Two widget via the Elementor page editor.

Below are the settings you can configure to set up the Recipe Accordion Two.

Layout Settings #

  • Choose Layout: Select from available layouts.

Query #

  • Offset: Set the offset for the widget, defining which posts to start displaying from.
  • Filter by: Choose the recipes that you want to display (e.g., latest recipes, categories of recipes )
  • Order by: Choose the criteria for displaying posts (e.g., published date, title, views).
  • Order: Decide the order in which posts should be displayed.
  • Exclude Recipe: Select recipes that you want to exclude from being displayed in this widget section.

Additional #

  • Heading Tag: Select the header tag for the post titles.
  • Total Time: Enable or disable the toggle to show the preparation time for the cuisine.
  • Difficulty: Enable or disable the toggle to show the difficulty level of the recipe.
  • Recipe Keys: Enable or disable the toggle to display recipe keys of posts.
  • Rating: Enable or disable the toggle to display the rating of the recipe post.
  • Comments: Enable or disable the toggle to display comments on the recipe post.
  • Category: Enable or disable the toggle to display the category of the recipe post.
  • Bookmark: Enable or disable the toggle to display the Bookmark of the recipe post.

Content #

  • Background: Set the background color for the content of the widget.
  • Padding: Adjust the padding around the content within the widget section.
  • Border Type: Select the border type for the widget section.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius to control the roundness of the corners.
  • Box Shadow: Configure the box shadow for the post boxes within the widget section.
  • Alignment: Choose alignment for the content of the widget.

Separator #

  • Separator: Select a separator to divide the recipe metadata.
  • Separator Color: Choose a color for the separator.

Image #

  • Image Size: Select the aspect ratio for the featured image of the recipe post.
  • Width: Specify the width of the image.
  • Height: Specify the height of the image.
  • Border Type: Select the border type for the featured image.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius to control the roundness of image corners.
  • Box Shadow: Configure the box shadow for featured images within the widget section.
  • Image Scale: Choose the image scaling option to display the featured image of the post.

Title #

  • Color: Set the color of the post titles displayed in this widget.
  • Hover Color: Set the color for the post titles when hovered over.
  • Margin: Add a margin for the recipe title.
  • Typography: Choose and configure the typography for the post titles.

Recipe Keys #

  • Icon Size: Set a size for the recipe key icons.
  • Space Between: Add space between the icons.

Recipe Metas #

  • Icon Size: Select the size of the category icons.
  • Icon Color: Choose the color for the icons in Recipe Metas.
  • Typography: Choose typography for Recipe Metas.
  • Text Color: Select the text color for the Recipe Metas.
  • Spacing: Adjust the space between the Recipe Metas.

Category #

  • Space Between: Set space between categories of the recipes.
  • Item Padding: Set padding around the category of recipes.
  • Color: Select a normal and hover color for the category text.
  • Background: Select a normal and hover the background color of the category text.
  • Border Type: Choose the border type for the button.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius for the button.
  • Margin: Set the margin around the category of the recipe.