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Recipe Roundup

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Recipe Roundup is a premium block. WP Delicious Pro must be installed on your site to access this plugin. By using the recipe roundup, you can display lists of recipes on pages/posts. Please follow the below Instructions to configure these blocks.

  • Go to Admin Dashboard > Pages/ Posts> Add New.
  • Click on the Add a block button and add the Recipe Roundup block
  • Search name of the recipe and add it on the page. You can add as many recipes as you want.

Please check the below settings to configure the block:

Layout Settings

  • You can choose how to display the recipes, either in a grid , list layout or in center.
  • You can choose how many recipe you want to display in each row.

Display Settings:

  • You can enable individual toggles to display the Counter, Keys, Courses, Cook Time, Difficulty Level, Rating, Description, Button, and add ItemList Schema.
  • Select the aspect ratio for the recipe’s featured image.

Button Settings:

  • Enter the button label.
  • Enable the toggle to open the link in a new tab.
  • Add the rel attributes.

Recipe Title Settings

  • Select the heading tag for recipe titles.
  • Set the font size of recipe titles.

Counter Settings:

  • Select the color for the counter text.
  • Choose the font size for the counter text.

Content Box Settings:

  • Configure the box shadow of the content section
  • You can add CSS code in Advanced Setting