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How To Configure Frontend Recipe Submission? (User Engagement)

The WP Delicious Pro plugin allows users to submit their recipes which you can approve and publish on the website. With the Frontend Recipe Submission, your readers can:

  • Add the recipes
  • Save recipes as draft
  • Submit recipes for publishing

And, as an admin of the website, you can review all the pending recipes, make any necessary changes, and publish the recipes on your website.

Customize Recipe Submission Fields #

WP Delicious Pro plugin also provides you with the feature to customize each field in the Frontend Recipe Submission Form.

You can configure the Frontend Recipe Submission form via WP Delicious > Settings > User Engagement > Recipe Submission.

Here the Customize Recipe Fields button will open the Recipe Submission Form settings in a new tab.

Here you can enable/disable specific form fields or mark specific fields as per your requirement.

Recipe Submission Guideline: You can enter the guidelines for Recipe Submission here.

Recipe Disclaimer: Here, you can enter the Recipe Disclaimer.

Enable Notification: You can enable this option to send email notifications to your site users. You can notify the users about the successful submission of recipes, publishing of their recipes, and also about their account creation and password reset.

The visitors whose email id is entered on the Email Address field will only be receiving the email notifications. You can enter multiple email recipients separated by a comma in the Email Address field.

You can also customize the email templates via WP Delicious > Settings > Miscellaneous > Email Templates. For each template, there is a field to add the subject and message.

The pro version of the WP Delicious plugin provides you with two additional email templates. One is for the Recipe submission and the other is for the Published recipes.

The message also supports a placeholder to add the dynamic value. The supported placeholders are:

  • {site_title} – Inserts your website title
  • {site_address} – Inserts your site address
  • {site_url} – Insert your website URL
  • {admin_email} – Insert the administrator email address
  • {username} – Inserts the registered reader’s username
  • {password} – Inserts the automatically generated password
  • {dashboard_page} – Inserts the link of the dashboard page.

Pending Mode: Enable this option to add the user’s submitted recipes in the pending mode so that you can review them and publish them later.

When the pending mode is enabled, the recipe submitted by a user will get saved as a draft in Recipes > All Recipes.

Guest Mode: Guest Recipe submissions are possible by enabling this option.

To execute Guest Recipe submission, you need to create a page by adding the following shortcode:


Allow User To Delete Recipe: You give permission to the registered users to delete their submitted recipes by enabling this option.