This is where you can add the necessary information of the recipe such as Recipe Subtitle, Description, Keywords, Difficulty Level, etc.

The following fields are available in the Recipe Info tab:
Recipe Subtitle: Here, you can add a short and sweet one-line catchy summary for your recipes to grab your readers attention.
Recipe Description: You can add a short description of your recipe in this field. It is recommended to add description in the field as it is used by search engines.
Recipe Keywords: We recommend you add some relevant keywords to describe your recipes. You can add as many keywords you want separated by comma. It is essential for SEO.
Difficulty Level: Choose between three different difficulty Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Preparation Time: You can add the preparation time in minutes or in hours.
Cooking Time: Same as preparation time, you can also add the cooking time of your recipes.
Rest Time: Here you can add the time to wait before eating.
The total time is automatically calculated.
Estimated Cost: Enter the estimated cooking cost ( number ) for the recipe and currency.
Calories: If you have an idea about the calories in the recipes, you can add the calories information. You can keep the field blank if you don’t want to display it.
Best Season: Choose which is the best season to cook the recipe and enjoy it. If “Select best season for the recipe” is selected, it will not display on your recipe card.
To configure this section, please follow the below instructions.
- Go to Admin Dashboard > Recipes > All Recipes.
- Click on the Recipe post to which you want to add the information or click on Add New if you are creating a new post.
- Click on the Jump to recipe settings button at the bottom and select the Recipe Info tab.
- Enter the necessary information on the recipe such as Recipe Subtitle, Description, Keywords, Difficulty Level, and so on in its respective fields.
- Click on Save Changes.

To display all the recipe information, ensure that the Global Recipe toggles are enabled by navigating to Dashboard > WP Delicious > Settings > Recipe Settings > Recipe Post > Global Recipe Toggles. If the toggles are disabled here, the selected recipe information will not be displayed.