We have feature to include FAQs for each of your recipes. The FAQs are Schema optimized to help search engine understand your content better and help your recipes rank higher.
We highly recommend adding FAQs for each recipe as it boosts the ranking of your recipes on Google, Yahoo and other search engines.
Here’s a preview of how the FAQs section looks:
To add the FAQs, you can follow the below instructions:
- Go to Admin Dashboard > Recipes > All Recipes.
- Click to edit the Recipe post to which you want to add the FAQs.
- Scroll down to the Recipe Settings section and select the FAQs tab.
- Enter the Section Title for the FAQs section.
- Click on the Add FAQ button.
- Enter the FAQ title and FAQ Answer.
- Further, click on the Add FAQ button to add more FAQs.
- Click on Save Changes.