Table of Contents
The Recipe Cooking Methods is a recipe taxonomy that can be used to categorize the recipes created based on the method of cooking.

How to add a Recipe Cooking Method? #
You can add a Recipe Cooking Method via Recipes > Cooking Methods.
- Enter the Recipe Cooking Method Name and Description.
- Select a Parent Cooking Method if any.
- Select the Taxonomy color.
- Upload your preferred Taxonomy Image or Taxonomy Icon.
- Click on Add New Cooking Method.

How to assign a Recipe Cooking Method to a Recipe? #
Once you add a Recipe Cooking Method, you can assign it to a Recipe via the respective recipe editor.
- You can access the Recipe editor via Recipes > All Recipes. Then click to edit the recipe to which you want to assign the Recipe Cooking Method.
- Under the Cooking Methods dropdown option, checkmark the Recipe Cooking Method that you want to assign to the recipe.
- Click on Update.

How to create a Cooking Methods page? #
The Cooking Methods page will be the page that will list all the categories created under the Cooking Methods taxonomy along with the assigned recipe posts.

To create the Cooking Methods page,
- Visit Admin Dashboard > Pages > Add New.
- Create a page entitled ‘Cooking Methods’.
- Under the Template dropdown option, select the Recipe Cooking Methods template.
- Click on Publish.