How to configure Recipe Archive Page Settings?

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Under Recipe Archive, you can choose the desired archive layout, pagination layout and change the default label.

To configure the archive settings, go to WP Delicious Recipes > Settings > Recipe Settings > Recipe Archive.

The plugin offers two archive page layout (Grid View and List View) for your archive pages such as cuisine, tags, cooking method, courses, and recipe keys.

Grid View #

List View #

Select your desired layout from the dropdown.

The other settings are explained below:

Enable Archive Header: Only enable this option to display the header on your archive pages. If your theme displays the header, you can keep this option disabled.

Pagination Style: Select the pagination style for recipe listings on the Archive page.

Selecting the Numeric option will display the numbered pagination.

Whereas selecting the Infinite option will autoload all the recipes on the Archive page.

Recipe Archive Title: Here you can add the default label for the Recipe Index page which lists all your recipes.

Recipe Archive Description: Here you can add the description for your recipe index page.

Recipe Taxonomy Subtitle: You can modify the default subtitle on your recipe archive page templates.