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How to configure Ingredient Settings?

This article includes the instructions to configure the Ingredient settings. You can access the settings by navigating Dashboard > WP Delicious > Settings > Recipe Settings > Ingredients.

How to Configure the Appearance Of Ingredients On Recipe Card? #

Ingredient line format:

This setting includes the string text format for ingredients on the recipe single page. This setting will ensure the format of recipe ingredient to be displayed on the front end.

Available Tags: {qty} : Quantity, {unit} : Ingredient unit, {ingredient} : Ingredient name, {notes} : Ingredient notes.

The default format for the Ingredients on the Recipe Card is: {qty} {unit} {ingredient} {notes}

Enable Checkbox:

This setting allows you to enable/disable the checkbox on the frontend recipe card.

Ingredients Column:

This option allows you to choose the number of columns to display your ingredients on the recipe card.

How to Use Adjustable Servings in Your Recipes #

The Adjustable Servings feature in our plugin allows you to manage serving sizes for your recipe posts. This documentation will guide you through the settings available for this feature and how to configure it according to your needs.

Show Adjustable Serving

You have the option to enable or disable the adjustable serving feature for individual recipe details. You can enable/disable the option via Dashboard > WP Delicious > Settings > Recipe Settings> Ingredients.

Adjustable Serving Type

You can choose between two types of adjustable serving methods: Increment-based and Scale-based. Each type functions differently and can be selected based on your preference.

  1. Increment Based:
    • This method allows users to increase or decrease the serving size by a fixed amount.
    • For example, if the base serving size is 2, selecting increment-based will allow adjustments by units of 1 (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.).
  2. Scale Based:
    • This method adjusts the serving size by multiplying it with a scale factor.
    • For example, if the base serving size is 2, selecting scale-based will allow adjustments by scale factors such as 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 3x, etc.

After enabling the adjustable servings and selecting the appropriate adjustable serving type, your recipe cards will display the option to adjust the serving size on the recipe card.